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diagram of My Mind, Body, and Soul in Pandemic
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Stress on the mind is affecting the body. Going back and forth between diarrhea and constipation.
I've put on the Quarantine 15. Now I am technically overweight. My body is defined by other bodies.
Typing all day
to connect to my community. Feels like 12 hours of needle work.
My back was in excruciating pain. I didn't want to take the risk of going out to the doctor, but eventually I HAD to.
My muscles are always sore, but not from exercise. I think the muscles are sore from not being used. From being contorted on the couch. It feels like they're just disintegrating. My idea of relaxation is bad for my body.
My feet hurt when I stand. I need $600 inserts, not covered by insurance.
I am trying to build new routines into my day; going straight to the studio after work, sanitizing after dinner, tidying before bed; anything to make me feel a sense of normalcy and consistency in some part of my life.
I'm so exhausted that sleep doesn't feel like enough
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